Positive People in Meade County High School- Alexis Walton

Who has been your favorite teacher throughout your high school experience?

Deann Reed has been a teacher who truly stood out to me. I had Mrs. Reed as my Sophomore English Teacher. Mrs. Reed always makes her class interesting for kids to be able to be involved in her classroom. Last year, Mrs. Reed did a Hogwarts House Cup Competition. This was a type of teaching that Mrs. Reed used to make sure each of her students knew each part of grammar she had to teach. However, it made kids like me, who are competitive, want to accomplish even more. As you can see, Mrs. Reed is a positive and well-rounded teacher. Mrs. Reed also nominated me to start writing in the school's Newsletter; she is always trying to involving her students in all opportunities.

Who is an outstanding student in Meade County High School, you may ask? Kara Bewley is a tenth grader who goes above and beyond her teacher's exceptions. Mrs. Reed states, "Kara takes pride in the work that she submits and it is truly evident that she cares about the quality of work she does. " Kara is a great example for her fellow classmates and always puts her best foot forward. Kara is also kind to others and respects her fellow classmates. People have said that they could not think of a nicer student than Kara. As you can see, Kara has spread MCHS Positivity and is a great Greenwave!

Ways to be a positive impact:

  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Tell someone thank you
  • Give back to your environment
  • Help others around you