Education Differences B/W the U.S. and Germany

  1. School in Germany starts at 7:55 and ends at 3:30. But they receive 2 breaks and a lunch. The first break is 25 minutes. The second break is 20 minutes. And lunch is 40 minutes long.
  2. Teachers do not have their own rooms. They keep everything they need for the day's lesson in a bag and go to different classrooms throughout the day.
  3. Everything is Apple orientated. All the students have IPads and every classroom as an Apple Smartboard.
  4. Students get to the school via the city bus. There are no school busses to take students to the school.
  5. After elementary school (Kindergarten - 4th grade), students and their families get to choose what school the child goes to next.
  6. Schools are more open and accessible since they don't have to worry about school shootings.
  7. I have not seen one German flag in any classrooms or on school grounds.
  8. They have big windows in their rooms! (This one is for you Kala).