Teacher / Staff Appreciation

We LOVE our Teachers and Staff!

It would be wonderful to treat them sometimes.

Click on the name of your teacher/Staff member to learn about them including a list of their favorite things!

Apreciación del maestro / personal

¡AMAMOS a nuestros maestros y personal!

Sería maravilloso tratarlos de vez en cuando.

¡Haga clic en el nombre de su maestro/miembro del personal para aprender sobre ellos, incluida una lista de sus cosas favoritas!

National Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6-10 | La Semana Nacional de Agradecimiento a los Maestros es del 6 al 10 de mayo

Teachers | 

Profesoras / Profesores

Administration | Administración

Instructional Support | 

Apoyo educativo

Specialties | Especialidades

TK - Denise Johnson

TK - Maria Mayorga

Kindergarten - Emily Heindel

Kindergarten Jennifer Diepstraten

Kindergarten - Denise Rodezno

1st Grade - Margaret Frise

1st Grade - Hannah Ulter

2nd Grade -Lori Farr

2nd Grade - Ashley Sansoe

3rd Grade - Ashton Ehrecke

3rd Grade - Hannah Henderson

4th Grade - Angela Kluver

4th Grade - Karen Louchis

5th Grade - Eugenie Tsao

5th Grade - Corrie Littlejohn-Pope

Principal - Eric Wood 

Office Mgr - Heather Rhinebeck

Secretary - Lee Thompson

After School Program (ASP)

Lynnete Norry

Cindy Navarro

Michelle L.

Meghan F.

Cece H.

Della A.

Cristal V.

Krystal C.

Invervention/STEM Support - 

Wendy Townlin

RSP - Gabriela (Gabby) Lejano

CEP - Jessica Doty

CEP - Elisa Albro

CEP - Rocky Chiassan

CEP SEA - Jessica Ennis

CEP SEA - Michelle Lim

CEP SEA - Tamara Anderson

CEP SEA - Carmen Torres

SEA - Cristal Vazquez

SEA - Jennifer Stafford

SDC 2-4 - Jamie Hunt

ELL - Shelley Maslin

SMES - Lee Chakalozian

Speech - Camila Tapia

OT - Erica Stewart

Counselor - Cynthia Gomez

Psychologist - Megan O'Kane

Library - Geraldine Barrera

Library - Jeff Vogt

Garden - Sam Gross

Music - Karen Ashford

Cafeteria Manager - Lynne Debolt

Nurse - Shanna Banana Alwardt

Nurse - Christina Miric

Community Liaison - Silvia Ramirez

Community Liaison - Irene Caban

Custodian - Mr. Bobby 

Custodian Asst - Mr. Richard