Orchestra Rules and Policies


The following is a set of rules and policies that will govern the orchestra at Foothill Middle School during the 2019-2020 school year. They are designed to help your class run smoothly, make it more enjoyable for everyone, and to maximize the quality of the learning environment.


1. Be on time!

2. Do your best at all times.

3. Have a positive attitude and be cooperative.

4. Practice regularly outside of rehearsal.

5. Keep your instrument clean and in good working order.

6. Bring a pencil to all rehearsals.

7. Put all instruments and music away neatly at the end of rehearsal.

8. Attend all performances and arrive at performance sites ½ hour before showtime.

9. Notify the director three (3) days in advance with a note from home if you must miss a performance, unless it's an emergency.

10. Turn in practice time on the assigned day. Occasionally, there will be "Practice Slip Holidays." These will be selected by the director. Practice slips must have a parent signature to be valid. Late practice slips are only acceptable if an absence is involved.


1. Prepare to listen for instructions when the director gives the signal.

2. When the conductor stops conducting, the group stops playing.

3. Foul language will not be used at any time.

4. Lodge all arguments and complaints with the director and with each other in private.

5. Do not chew gum.

6. Play only your own instrument.


Grades will be based on a point system and on classroom conduct. A weekly grade will be formulated based on the points accumulated each week. An unexcused absence from a performance (including honor orchestra, if you commit to participating) will result in the quarter grade being lowered by two letters.

POINT VALUES (to be used in the computation of a weekly grade):

1. daily attendance-10 points per day (5 for tardy)

2. concert or other program (These are mandatory.)-50 points

3. Pencil Day-5 points

4. Practice Time: 150 minutes per week-25 points, 120-20, 90-15, 60-10, 30-5


The following are all extra credit point values. All points accumulated from these items (except #1,2) will be averaged into the grade at the end of the quarter. Points accumulated by attending other concerts or programs will be averaged into the weekly grade.

1. turning in practice slip on time-5 points (Late practice slips are not acceptable unless an absence is involved.)

2. attend other concerts or programs (free events only)-10 points

3. changing of instruments (for the good of the group)-50 points per quarter that the change is made

4. Honor Orchestra participation-50 points per quarter

WEEKLY GRADES: 90-100% of possible points = A

80-89% of possible points = B

70-79% of possible points = C

60-69% of possible points = D

below 60% of possible points = F

Following is an example of how a weekly grade is computed:

John Doe attended class all five days and was on time.

Points earned = 50

Points possible 50

John forgot his pencil on Pencil Day.

Points earned = 0


John practiced for 30 minutes during the week and turned in his practice slip on time. (Five additional points are granted when a practice slip comes in on time.)

Points earned = 10


John attended the Vienna Philharmonic concert at the Concord Pavilion. (10 extra points)

Total points earned = 70 = 88% = B

Total points possible 80


1. A student's classroom conduct will be evaluated through the use of a Conduct Debit Code with the following formula:

0 to 2 debit units in one quarter = Outstanding

(The quarter grade will be raised by one letter unless it is already an A.)

3 to 8 debit units in one quarter = Satisfactory

(The quarter grade is unaffected.)

9 or more debit units = Unsatisfactory

(The quarter grade is lowered by one letter.)

2. Whenever an infraction of the conduct code is witnessed by the director, a Debit Code letter shall be entered on the student's record.

3. Each Debit Code letter shall represent one debit unit unless otherwise indicated.

4. Debit Code letters for conduct are as follows:

A = Argumentative

C = cut, i.e., illegal absence (5 debit units)

D = improper discipline, poor deportment, or disruption of the rehearsal or performance.

G = garrulousness (constant, trivial talking)-talking at inappropriate times

GN = general nuisance

gc = gum chewing (2 debit units)

I = insubordination-refused to follow specific directions

IE = improper care of an item of equipment

II = improper care of an instrument

IM = improper care of music

K = asked to leave ("kicked out," receiving a disciplinary referral) for serious breach of conduct (5 debit units)

M = no music

N = no instrument (1 debit unit if reported to director, 2 if not)

P = playing an instrument at an inappropriate time

pp = poor or improper posture or playing position

S = snide, disparaging, or degrading remarks

Tu = turning around-not paying attention or facing the wrong direction (for purposes of inappropriate talking)

W = made the conductor wait (with hands raised)-the student did not bring his instrument up to playing position at the appropriate time


Unless otherwise instructed, the dress code for performances will be:

Seventh and Eighth Grade Orchestra: school-issued (or purchased) black shirts, black pants (or skirts for girls), black shoes and black socks.

Sixth Grade Orchestra--white shirts (blouses for girls), black pants (or skirts for girls), black shoes and black socks

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I have read the rules and policies of the Foothill Middle School Orchestra and understand them fully.

Please go to the link below:


Please submit the form at the link above by Friday, August 23.