Related Technical Instruction (RTI) and Licensing
Related Technical Instruction (RTI) at Middlesex County Adult Education
Middlesex County Adult Education (MCAE) offers related instruction training for United States Department of Labor registered Apprenticeships in the Electrical, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning and the Plumbing Trades.
Fees for books, course registration, and materials fees for standard Apprentice Related Technical Instruction classes:
Fees vary by job classification
Fees vary by year
Course Fees are paid by the Apprentice prior to the first class meeting
Books are obtained by the Apprentice prior to the 2nd meeting of each class
Fees range from $700 to $1,200 annually
An Apprentice is assigned two to three classes per week, each of which meet three/four hours between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm for approximately 25 weeks thru June.
East Brunswick and Piscataway campuses are used although assignment is determined by location of course.
An Apprentice registers and pays for courses per instructions in the Assignment Letter.
For more information please call: 732-257-3300 ext.1924
Apprenticeship Related Technical Instruction (RTI) in the Plumbing Trades
Registered with the United States Department of Labor, the New Jersey State Department of Education, and the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Apprentices are trained on-the-job and attend post secondary Related Technical Instruction (RTI) courses at an educational institution.
To enroll in Apprentice classes, an applicant must be employed on a full time basis and be sponsored by either a NJ Licensed Master Plumber or a trade union.
Individuals seeking to become non-union Apprentices need to secure employment by a non-union New Jersey Licensed Master Plumber.
Trade union Apprentices must be referred by the local union Apprenticeship Coordinator to the educational institution.
Trade Union Apprentice courses are pre-approved.
At a minimum, an Apprentice is to complete 144 hours of classroom instruction per year during the Apprenticeship, which is four to five years in duration.
The sponsor may increase the minimum.
Academic and attendance requirements of the educational institution must also be met.
Individuals can neither be Apprenticed in more than one job classification nor by more than one Sponsor.
Once the applicant has secured a Sponsor, RTI coursework can be taken at the Middlesex County Magnet Schools
Prior on-the-job training or occupational experience cannot be substituted for required coursework.
For further information contact:
Dawn M. Lystad, Director
c/o Middlesex County Magnet Schools - Adult Education
112 Rues Lane, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
732-257-3300 extension 1924
Candidates for the Master Plumber Licensing Examination
Licensed Master Plumber Eligibility and Licensing
Applicants for licensing must complete a registered Apprenticeship as cited in the following excerpt of the “Applicant Advisory”. Application to take the Master Plumber License exam and the administration of the test are under the auspices of the NJ State Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers located in Newark, NJ. Information about eligibility and assessment of occupational experience is to be requested of the licensing Board.
Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers
This board licenses and regulates master plumbers in New Jersey.
Inquiries or complaints can be forwarded to:
Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers, P.O. Box 45008, Newark, NJ 07101, (973) 504‑6420.
For more information visit:
Plumbing Contractor
Plumbing Trades Courses:
Licensed Master Plumber Biennial Renewal
Licensed Master Plumber Continuing Education
Math for Plumbers and Pipefitters
OSHA (10 Hour) Outreach Program for General Industry
OSHA (30 Hour) Outreach Program for General Industry
OSHA (30 Hour) Outreach Program for Construction Industry
Plumbing for Trade and Industry
Plumbing I
Plumbing II
Plumbing III
Plumbing IV
Plumbing Code
Plumbing Trades Codes
Apprenticeship, Customized Training, Trade & Industry, and Adult Certificate Programs* Are Available
*Courses are approved by the NJ State Department of Education, align with the Office of Apprenticeship
of the US Department of Labor standards, and meet the Plumbing Apprenticeship Law requirements.
Continuing education classes are conducted between September and June.
Call 732‑257‑3300 extension 1924 for more information.
An applicant for the master plumber’s examination, qualifying with four (4) years of experience gained while working under the supervision of a Licensed Master Plumber, with or without some Apprenticeship training gained through an accredited Apprenticeship program which has been approved by both the United States Department of Labor and a federally certified state agency, who also has experience working as a journeyman plumber for one year, should make application for the master plumber’s examination today. The requirements to qualify for the master plumber’s examination will change. If you are qualifying under the current requirements detailed above, you must APPLY and be APPROVED by the State Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers to take the master plumber’s examination.
Applicants for the master plumber’s examination may only qualify to take the examination if they have successfully completed a four (4) year accredited Apprenticeship program which has been approved by both the United States Department of Labor and a federally certified state agency, and gained one additional year of experience working as a journeyman plumber. Qualifying with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical, plumbing or sanitary engineering from a college or university accredited by a regional accreditation agency recognized by the Council on Post-Secondary Accreditation or the United States Department of Education, with one full year of practical hands-on experience as a journeyman plumber.