Apprenticeship is a nationally recognized, post-secondary, program involving paid on-the-job training during the day, and coursework in the evening, at no cost to the employer.

An employee is sponsored by an employer to be registered as a bona fide Apprentice with the Office of Apprenticeship (OA) of the United States Department of Labor. While earning wages for working on a full time basis, the Apprentice receives on the job training by the Sponsor in skill areas detailed in a Work Process provided by the OA. The Sponsor agrees to make the Apprentice available to attend assigned related instruction classes, two to three nights per week, September through June, usually from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Apprentice, not the sponsor, is responsible for payment of courses:  books and registration fees. 

For more information call: 732-257-3300 ext. 1924

Apprenticeship Training Programs range from two to five years in duration, depending upon occupation and job title. 

The successful candidate earns Certificates of Completion from:

The Apprentice Must have the following: