Commencement Speakers

Student Commencement Speaker

An important part of the Northridge High School  commencement ceremonies is the speech delivered by a member of the graduating class. The three- to five-minute speech provides an opportunity for the audience--your fellow graduates, your families, and the faculty and staff in attendance--to hear a student voice from the graduating class of Northridge. We hope that you will consider preparing a speech for consideration by the speech selection committee.

By having a student speech, we acknowledge the centrality of students in our educative enterprise. Although one student cannot presume to speak for the whole class, the best speeches are ones that blend personal perspective with a sense of the significance of the moment. Commencement presents a natural time for expressing joy and gratitude. The occasion of the completion of high school also presents an opportunity to express reflections on the present and future life that you and your fellow students have and will lead.

Staff Commencement Speaker

Each year, the Northridge graduating class will select one teacher or staff member to speak at graduation.  This is a two part process.  In the spring, seniors will be sent a form for nominating a teacher or staff member.  Students will then vote from among the top five nominees.