Parent INFO
Please label all items, with your child’s name, that your child brings to school, including a change of clothing appropriate for the season (labeled in a Ziploc bag)
Your child may bring a water bottle, labeled with their name, to keep in the classroom to use during water breaks.
We will have a daily snack time in the afternoon. Please pack one small. (dry snack that does not require utensils daily) NO CANDY
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather forecast each day, as we go outside for multiple recess and learning.
If your child plans to buy lunch from the cafeteria, it is best to deposit money into your child’s lunch account. Even if your child will normally bring his/her lunch from home, pre-paid lunches are a good back up for those days when lunches are lost or left at home. Money can also be put into your child’s milk account. Money can be added through your parent portal account.
You must send a note whenever it is necessary to change your child’s transportation arrangements. In case of an emergency you may call the office to make changes in transportation. Please make these calls by 2:00 pm in order to allow adequate to process.