Procedures for Disagreements

Appeal Process for Disagreements

It is the intent of the Montrose County School District to resolve questions and concerns at the level in which they occur. Any questions or concerns about Gifted Education should be brought to the attention of the GATE Facilitator in the school and/or the district GATE Coordinator. Students are encouraged to first talk with the GATE Facilitator or classroom teacher to address any issues, concerns or questions.

If there is a disagreement with identification, programming, and/or the ALP, parents, teachers, administrators and students have the right to appeal by notifying the Gifted Coordinator in writing. The Gifted Coordinator will then gather and review data, research district and state policy, and involve all stakeholders in a timely manner to further review data and possibly introduce new information before further action is taken. Parents and students will have the opportunity to be heard and parents will be notified in writing about the final decision. Parents can expect a response from the Gifted Coordinator within 10 school days of filing an appeal. The procedure for disagreements is posted on the GATE website, and GATE Facilitators refer any disagreements to the Gifted Coordinator.

If the student and/or parents are not satisfied with the solution presented by the Gifted Coordinator, they may appeal to the Director of Instructional Services, who will review the process and evidence and respond in writing within 10 school days.

To initiate the appeal process, please notify the Gifted Education Director in writing by mailing a letter to the address below with a written explanation for the disagreement along with contact information for a reply. This may also be emailed to .

Debra Biermann

Gifted Education Coordinator

Montrose County School District

PO Box 10000

Montrose, CO 81402

970-249-7726 (ext: 4901)