Our Philosophy

Vision Statement

The Morgan County R-1 Media Center Program seeks to provide students with a 21st century learning environment that promotes literacy, equitable access to quality information, teach information literacy skills, encourage learning that spans from cradle to career.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Morgan County R-1 Media Center is to provide students, staff, and community members with the tools needed to become lifelong users and creators of information. The library will promote literacy through scheduled library time, school-wide literacy events, book fairs, and much more. The library will support the wider curriculum by collaborating with teachers on research lessons, maintaining a collection that is representative of the school community, and implementing literacy instruction where it is needed.

Long Term Goals

  • Create a library that appeals to the larger community
    • Host multiple community events each year
    • Consistently reach out to the community through social media, newsletters, etc..
  • Promote instructional use of online informational resources
    • present ways to use EBSCOHOST in the classroom at professional development meetings
    • Instruct students during library time on how to use EBSCOHOST
  • Increase literacy circulation over time
    • Promote literacy in fun ways that encourage students to check more books out from the library
    • Encourage teachers to bring students in to the library to check out books for free reading time