SAT and ACT Testing

Mr. Steven Rea is the testing coordinator. Please email him with questions at

                                                      SAT                                                 ACT      

     Students who are applying for admission to a four year college are highly recommended to take the SAT or ACT test before submitting college applications.  It is suggested that students take the test during the Spring of their junior year and again during the Fall of their senior year. 

     Registration for each test is completed online.  There are strict registration deadlines and seats fill up quickly so register on time.  All tests are given off school grounds on the weekends. 

     Each test requires a fee be paid at the time of registration to hold your seat.  The SAT and ACT test does offer fee waivers if a student meets certain criteria.  Fee waivers are limited and available on a first come first serve basis in guidance from Ms. Erin Robinson.  There was a letter mailed home to all families with information about free or reduced lunch eligibility.  All students must bring this letter in to determine their eligibility for a fee waiver.

     Extra study materials can also be found online through each tests website.  We also have books that can be signed out in guidance. 

      Students with an IEP plan must submit additional information during the registration process if they are interested in receiving accommodations on the SAT or ACT.  This process will take additional time and should be completed during the Fall of the junior year.  Please see your child's case manager or Ms. Erin Robinson to start this process.  More information can be found on the following links:

 SAT Services for Students with Disabilities         ACT Services for Students with Disabilities 



 The Preliminary SAT (PSAT) is administered at Mecklenburg County High in October of each school year.  Students are recommended to take the PSAT test during their junior year.  Information is sent home in September to each junior.  There is also a registration fee to take this test.  If a student has an IEP and would like to receive accommodations, the paperwork must be completed during their 10th grade year.