5:30 PM - 6:00 PM Opening Session

Location: Sligo Creek ES Auditorium 

Back-to-school night will begin with an opening session with the PTSA.

About the PTSA

Please contact our PTSA officers at ssimspresidents@gmail.com if you have any questions or need any information. 

Go Jaguars! 

Join us! Please consider joining the PTSA community! https://fspta-00151197.memberhub.com/ 

Stay Connected 

Join the SSIMS PTSA listserv today so that we may share information, get immediate feedback, and stay in touch on important issues. You can sign up by emailing SSIMSptsa+subscribe@groups.io and include your affiliation with the school in the email (for example, "I'm a guardian of a SSIMS 6th-grade student."). 

PTSA meetings are generally held at 7:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month. Meeting details are circulated using the listserv and the weekly Jaguar newsletter. We hope to see you there.