SEL Lessons

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

School counselors focus on teaching social emotional learning skills to all students. Social Emotional Learning consists of five components. These components are:

  • Self-Awareness-Assessing our feelings, interests, strengths; maintaining self-confidence.

  • Self-Management-Regulating emotions to handle stress, control impulses and preserve in overcoming obstacles.

  • Social Awareness-Understanding different perspectives, and empathizing with others; recognizing and appreciating similarities and differences; using family, school and community resources effectively.

  • Relationship Skills-Maintaining healthy relationships based on cooperation; resisting inappropriate social pressure; preventing, managing and resolving interpersonal conflicts; seeking help when needed.

  • Responsible Decision Making-Using a variety of considerations, including ethical, academic, and community related standards to make choices and decisions.


To enroll in the Be Well 365: Lessons and Resources on MyMCPS Classroom, click on the link below:

Be Well 365 SEL Curriculum

Video-Mindful Moments: Be Well 365

Sanford Harmony

Harmony at Home

Schooling at home? Sanford Harmony’s online toolkit supports educators, families, and caregivers with social emotional learning resources for boys and girls of all ages.