College & Career Awareness

College Awareness

Elementary school is a key time to teach students that achieving their dreams requires hard work, including the pursuit of education beyond high school. The kind of post-secondary training needed depends on the career choice, so it is important to discuss the many paths that students can take after high school, including certification or license programs, two- and four-year colleges and universities, trade schools, and military academies. It is never too early for elementary school students to hear about college and learn about the value of education.

Career Awareness

Elementary school is a crucial time for developing career awareness and instilling a culture of self-empowerment. From an early age, students can begin summarizing their strengths, interests, and values. This is also an ideal time to teach students about various careers and host guest speakers present information about different careers. The goals, at this level, are to expose students to a variety of careers and to build their confidence. For most children, their first awareness of careers develops from their immediate family members. A child whose mother is a nurse might want to be a nurse. A child whose father is an electrician might want to be an electrician. This development of a career awareness page is a positive step to deepen students awareness beyond their experiences at home.

Career Exploration is simply learning about various occupations and their "fit" with your unique career preferences, e.g. the skills, interests and values you want satisfied by your career.

Career Videos are organized by subjects and offers video-taped informational interviews with professionals from most career areas.

Career Books

Career Books offers read aloud books students can listen to in order to learn more about the world of work or take their career awareness to the next level.