APEX-Reach Scholars Program

The APEX-Reach Scholars program is the signature program at Walter Johnson High School. APEX-Reach is a rigorous four-year course of study designed for students who want to pursue a challenging curriculum of honors and intensive Advanced Placement® course work. Selection for this program is initiated through a special application process in the fall of 8th grade. Students selected for grade 9 will continue through the program while in high school. The course of study provides students with a broad, general background in many academic areas at levels appropriate to highly academically gifted learners, as well as an opportunity to follow a rigorous course pathway they are interested in. 

The program setting includes a combination of both heterogeneously and homogeneously grouped classes integrated within the whole school setting. After a ninth grade program designed to offer structured support and skills development for the transition from middle school to high school, the course of study is specifically designed to allow individual choices for APEX Scholars, affording them the flexibility to pursue individual educational goals during their sophomore, junior and senior years. APEX Scholars is an integral part of Walter Johnson High School, not a school within a school.

Additional information about the APEX Scholars Program can be found at www.walterjohnson.com/programs/apex/

Questions should be directed to Mr. Nathan Schwartz and Ms. Kathy Simmons, APEX Program Coordinators, by email to Nathan_Schwartz@mcpsmd.org and Katherine_A_Simmons@mcpsmd.org