Change of Address

Change of Address Information

When you move, you MUST notify the SVHS registrar’s office immediately by bringing in PROOF of residency.

Acceptable proof is:

  • If homeowner, copy of current property tax bill OR settlement sheet

  • If renter, copy of current lease

  • If living in shared housing, notarized MCPS Form 335-74: Shared housing Disclosure and either a copy of the current property tax bill of the homeowner OR copy of lease of renter with whom student AND parent are living AND other supporting documents as listed above.

  • Anyone who is not a resident of Montgomery County must complete MCPS form 335-73: Determination of Residency and Tuition Status and contact School Counseling, Residency, and International Admission at 301-230-0686.

  • Students and parents will not receive any school mailings such as report cards, bus routes, principal’s letters, newsletters, schedules, etc. until your new address has been verified.

  • If you have any questions, please call (240) 740-6420 between 7:00am and 3:30pm during the school year, and between 8am and 3pm during the summer.