
Grade 1



About the music program...

The Fine Arts are important to every child’s development and play a vital role in providing the students in Montgomery County Public Schools with the well-rounded, world class education necessary for college and career readiness. Music education promotes the core competencies – Academic Excellence, Creative Problem-solving, and Social Emotional Learning – identified by MCPS as essential to prepare students for success in the 21st century. Through engagement with the music curriculum, students will encounter the following 21st century skills:

The 1st Grade smARTSummer musical experience...

Students in our smARTSummer music program will engage in a heightened musical experience that allows them to create, perform, connect with, and respond to music.  First graders will build upon their understanding of musical concepts and skills such as reading and notating pitches and rhythms, steady beat, musical opposites, and matching pitch. Music students will explore these concepts through a variety of activities that may include, but are not limited to:

Participants in the program can be expected to be immersed in music from all around the world and in a variety of genres.  Through engaging daily instruction, students will hone their musical and creative skills within a supportive community of musical peers and teachers. 

Space is limited to 50 students per grade level.