
Important Announcements

Naviance is your one-stop-shop!

All high schools in the county use Naviance as their go-to when it comes to the college application process. All seniors must identify the colleges you are definitely applying to as "Colleges I am Applying To" in Naviance in order for their Counselor and Registrar to know where to send documents to. College Application Process Checklist can be found below!

Institutional Grants and Scholarships

The Montgomery College Foundation offers more than 300 scholarship opportunities. To learn more, visit the MC Foundation website, here.

SSL Hours

Student Service Learning hours are a MCPS Graduation Requirement! Students may find SSL opportunities by following quick links below: 

SSL Opportunities
SSL Virtual Opportunities 

Students may also access SSL forms, resources, and guidelines, here and can follow the step-by-step directions for viewing their SSL record on StudentVUE, here. To find out more information about the SSL Program, click here

College and Career Center

Visit the College and Career Center for more information on College visits, scholarship opportunities, fee waivers, and more. 

College Application Process

College Application Process Checklist

Use this Google Form to track your college application process progress with Rockville High School. In order for your counselor and Rockville's Registrar to complete the required items, such as sending your Recommendation Letter and Transcripts, you need to have completed everything on this list. 

Teacher Feedback Form

Your counselor's love receiving feedback from some of your most honorable teachers at Rockville to include in your Recommendation Letters! Choose up to three to send this form to.

RHS College Process Step-by-Step

Click here to see a step-by-step breakdown of what your counselor and RHS Registrar, Ms. Waterton, needs from you in order to send documents to your colleges. 

RHS College Application Process

Senior Presentation: The Post-Secondary Planning Process

For More Information...

Follow Rockville Counseling on Instagram: Counseling_RHS

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Follow Rockville Career Center on Instagram: @Rockville.Career_Center