Mental Health Supports
Apoyos de Salud Mental

If you are a student or the parent/guardian of a student who is experiencing a mental health crisis, such as suicidal thoughts or actions of self-harm,
please call the Maryland Crisis Hotline:
or Dial 2-1-1 and press 1
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Si usted es un estudiante o el padre/tutor de un estudiante que está experimentando una crisis de salud mental, como pensamientos suicidas o acciones de autolesión,
llame a la línea directa de crisis de Maryland:
o marque 2-1-1 presione el 5 para español.
Disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana

Strategies for Mental Health/Estrategias Para Salud Mental

Toma varias pausas diarias de toda las pantallas (incluyendo tabletas)

Importancia de movimiento y ejercicio

Importancia de una hora de dormir regular y de rutinas regulares

Noticing what is happening right now/Notar lo que está pasando ahora mismo

         How you feel, what you smell, what you hear, how it feels to move your body/Cuales son sus   emociones; que huele, que escucha, cómo se siente al mover tu cuerpo

Walk outside, go to the park, dance together, play a game, read together, or let your child read to you/Tóma tiempo para hacer cosas juntos-caminar afuera, ir al parque, bailar juntos, jugar un juego, leer juntos, o dejar que su hijo(a) le lea

Free Movement & Mindfulness videos for kids. Developed by child development experts!

An App for Meditation & Sleep!

A free Meditation App appropriate for all ages!

Four-part training series on reducing stress and finding balance in your everyday life

Your mental wellness is our mission.

We help children, youth and adults rebuild their emotional lives after loss, illness, violence and trauma.

(founded as Hospice Caring in 1989) serves children, adults and families facing life-threatening illness and experiencing the death of a loved one. 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation.