Rising 6th Grade

6th Grade Leadership Team

Mrs. Sigley

Assistant Principal

6th Grade Administrator (Last Names A-M)

Mrs. Sullivan

Assistant Principal

6th Grade Administrator (Last Names N-Z)

Ms. Snyder

6th Grade Counselor

Mr. Schmid

6th Grade Team Leader

Parent Meeting Presentation

Parent Guide to Registration

5th Grade Articulation Parent Meeting_2024.2025

Elementary Registration Visits

Clarksburg E.S.

February 5, 2024 at 9:40am

Gibbs E.S.

February 8, 2024 at 9:45am

Southlake E.S.

February 8, 2024 at 11:35am

Stedwick E.S.

February 6, 2024 at 1:30pm

Sample Student Schedule

Grade  6 Sample Schedule

Period 1  - Math

Period 2  - PE/Health

Period 3  - English

Period 4  - 6th grade Advisory Lunch

Period 5 -  Elective OR Support Class

Period 6  - World Studies

Period 7  - Elective OR Support Class

Period 8  - Science

How do I register?

Using multiple student data collected throughout the year, staff will make recommendations for core subjects.  No additional action is necessary. However, if you have specific questions regarding core class recommendations, please reach out to your grade level counselor.

Students will select their preferred electives based on interests.  After reviewing the options posted on this website, use the link below to select elective preferences for next school year.

Students, please:


Outdoor Environmental Education (Outdoor Ed)

Every Grade 6 MCPS student has the opportunity to participate in outdoor and environmental learning through authentic, engaging, and interdisciplinary experiences at the Residential Outdoor and Environmental Education Program. The Grade 6 MCPS Outdoor Environmental Education Program, known as “Outdoor Ed,” provides students with a three-day meaningful watershed educational experience, focused on relevant, engaging, and interdisciplinary lessons. Using the natural world as both a classroom and laboratory, literacy and mathematical skills are integrated into the environmental education experiences. The course of study does the following:

At the Grade 6 Outdoor and Environmental Education Program, students stay in dormitory-style housing. Neelsville students attend Outdoor Education at Lathrop E. Smith Outdoor Educational Center. There is a fee charged for this program, set by the Board of Education, but funds exist for any student who may have difficulty meeting the financial requirements of the program. All students are strongly encouraged to attend the residential outdoor and environmental education experience.