Mrs. Eig's Virtual Office

Mrs. Eig's Life Lessons

Mrs. Eig: School Counselor

Who Are School Counselors?

Mrs. Eig: Meet my Dogs!

How Pets Improve Your Mood

Mrs. Eig: Random Acts of Kindness (RAK)

Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler

Mrs. Eig: Gratitude


Mrs. Eig: Decision Making

What Should Danny Do?

Mrs. Eig: A Rainbow of Fruits & Veggies

Eat Your Rainbow

Mrs. Eig: The Importance of Drinking Water

Why Do we Drink Water?

Mrs. Eig: 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day

Exercise & the Brain

Mrs. Eig: The Importance of a Good Night's Sleep

Why Do We Need Sleep

Mrs. Eig: Perseverance


Mrs. Eig: Persistence


Mrs. Eig: Boosting Confidence

Tips for Boosting Confidence

Mrs. Eig: Growth Mindset

Developing A Growth Mindset

Mrs. Eig: Deep Breathing

Belly Breathing

Mrs. Eig: Mindful Moment

Mindfulness for Children

Mrs. Eig: Using Visualization for Calming

Guided Meditation for Stress Relief & Anxiety

Mrs. Eig: Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety: Web Surfing

Mrs. Eig: Mask Wearing

Lucy's Mask

Your Amazing Brain

Inspiration Board

Mrs. Eig - All About Me Poster

BRES Child Development Series

Parent Webinar Series: Adjusting to Virtual Learning

Adjusting to Virtual Learning

Identifying Normal Behavior Changes, Behaviors of Concern, & Tips for Families


Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning

Helping Students Thrive During Distance Learning and Beyond 


Tips for Tweens (Grades 4 & 5)

Boosting Self-Esteem

The Gratitude Experiment

Dealing with Rejection

Dealing with Embarrassment

Stress Management

How to Be More Confident

Self Esteem & Body Image

Automatic Thoughts

How to Take Notes

How to Study for a Test

How to Stop Procrastinating

Inspirational Quotes

Anger Management for Tweens

Anger Management for Teens

Emotional Inteligence for Teens

How to Break Bad Habits

Just for Fun

Brain Games

Our Planet

Feelings & Emotions Activities

Guess the Sounds

Awwww..... look how cute!

Can you believe what the firefighters found?

Discussing Racism

Dream Gap - Role Models

Finding Your Voice


Activism Spirit Week
Day of Service Virtual Project
Bayard Rustin Day.pdf
Bayard Rustin Day 2021

Bayard Rustin Day

BRES Activism Spirit Week

Virtual Valentine for Pediatric Patients

Spread Kindness by Sending a Free Virtual Valentine to a Pediatric Patient at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Student Service Learning (SSL) 

Eig: 5th Grade SSL Lesson

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or feedback: