Application Process
VAC Application Timeline
The application cycle for SY 2025-2026 is now OPEN
Dates for fall of 2024 to apply to the VAC for SY 2025-2026.
October 4, 2024 : Countywide Programs Application Opens
(All Students interested in applying to the VAC must complete the countywide application first)
October 14, 2024 : Einstein HS DCC Open House 6:00 pm in the cafeteria,
This is a chance for you to see all that Einstein offers in addition to an information session about the VAC.
October 23, 2024: VAC Information Session, 6:30 pm
November 1, 2024: Countywide Programs Application Closes
Applicants who indicated interest in the VAC on the Countywide Program Application will be invited to a canvas course. All application materials (portfolio & live drawing session work) will be submitted through this canvas course.
November 13, 2024: VAC Application Information Session II, virtual 6:30PM - 7:10PM
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 337-445-0354 PIN: 167 502 290#
January 6, 2025: Portfolio Submission Due
January 11, 2025: Virtual Drawing Session
Decision letters will be sent via email in February 2025
Any student who resides in Montgomery County and is currently enrolled in grades 8-11 is encouraged to apply for acceptance into this magnet program if they are interested in a rigorous advanced level portfolio development program. The VAC program is open to applicants from all high schools in the county. Students accepted into the VAC program will need to transfer to Albert Einstein High School. Downcounty Consortium (DCC) resident students who have accepted into the Visual Arts Center will be provided transportation from Consortia neighborhood stops.
Students not residing in the DCC are responsible for providing their own transportation to Einstein in the morning and back home in the afternoon.
STEP 1: Submit County Wide Application
(Open Oct 4, Closes Nov 1)
Countywide Programs Application
STEP 2: SUBMIT PORTFOLIO by January 6th 2025
Students need to prepare a portfolio that reflects their best artwork. Students must use this provided portfolio template and will submit their portfolio in CANVAS. (Students will be invited to the canvas classroom ONLY if they have submitted the countywide application)
Portfolio Must Include:
1 Portrait Drawing (No Digital Work here)
2-3 Still Life Artworks
5-7 Completed Artworks in any media
1 Artist Statement (Choose one of your works to write the statement about.)
STEP 3: LIVE DRAWING SESSION January 11th 2025
The final required step of the application is attending a virtual live drawing session on Saturday January 11 2025 from 9:00am to 11:00am. If students are unable to attend this session due to a significant family or religious reason please let the VAC team know ASAP as we will have ONE makeup session. A virtual meeting invite for the drawing session will be sent to applicants who submitted a portfolio.
If the student requires accommodations, a copy of the Individualized Education Program (IEP), Section 504 Plan, or English Language Learner (ELL) Plan that specifies the accommodations MUST be submitted to the VAC faculty by January 6 2025. The faculty will contact the parent/guardian to discuss accommodations.
Admission to Visual Art Center is very competitive. There are about 35 seats available each year, a waitlist is generated from the applications and offers to waitlisted applicants are determined by the acceptance/rejection of seats. For candidates applying for seats in 10 grade or above, the number of open seats is determined based on vacancies for the following school year in that particular cohort. Acceptance and waitlist order are generated by scores of multiple criteria including portfolio content, artist statement, and drawing session artwork.
Decision letters will be sent by the end of February
VAC Instructors
Mrs. Sarah Harnish |
Ms. Mygenet Harris |
MCPS Fine Arts Content Specialist
Ms. Anjali Wells |