Use Body - Stage 1

This section talks about how a child uses each of their body parts together to do an activity. Movements using the big body parts are called gross motor skills, while movements using the smaller body parts are called fine motor skills. This helps us understands how the child participates in and responds to using the combined skills together. We call this "coordination of movement" (like talking, walking, feeling, responding, etc). The brain has a big part in organizing everything that the body sees, hears, feels and plans, which we call "processing and regulation".

Click on the slider at the top to see how children naturally progress through the developmental stages of Body Usage.

Typical Activities in This Stage

Rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back

• Stands with support, accepts entire weight with legs

• Lays on tummy for 90 minutes or more a day for play

Reaches for nearby toys while on tummy

• Reaches both hands to play with feet while on their back

• Transfers a toy from one hand to the other while on their back

Uses hands to support self while sitting with help

Child holding toy

Use Body - Stage 1

To help your child reach this milestone, here is an activity

  • Introduce Tummy Time

It's time to move onto the next stage when your child is

Picking up head by pushing through arms to straighten elbows in tummy time

Turning head to watch things move through their line of sight when in supported sitting

Trying to balance when sitting

Trying to hold toys and play in sitting

Pivoting on their tummy when playing to get a toy