Interact With World - Stage 1

Interacting with the world includes how the child figures out how to use their body to match what is going on around them.  Children need to be able to figure out how to do something with their body and not get hurt.  They need to be able to remember how they did things so they can do them again or do things better the next time so that they grow and learn. 

Click on the slider at the top to see how children naturally progress through the developmental stages of Interacting with the world around them.

Typical Activities in This Stage

•  Plays with hands

•  Explores toys with hands/mouth

•  Tracks objects with eyes

•  Turns head towards interesting objects and sounds

•  Repeats enjoyable noises

•  Pulls a string to bring an object closer 

•  Hits a button to make something happen

Rolling a ball on a child's foot

Interact With World - Stage 1

To help your child reach this milestone, here are some activities

•  Engage in face-time activities with your child 

•  Move colorful toys across your child’s visual field (slowly side to side, and up and down)  - See video below

•  Encourage curiosity by putting something under a cloth and then pulling it out to show your child

It's time to move onto the next stage when your child is 

•   Demonstrating an understanding of cause/effect (Banging on a table using a spoon will make a noise, pushing a button will activate a toy)

•   Showing an understanding that something still exists when no longer present (hiding a toy under a blanket, and your child understands that the toy is still there, just hidden)