Incoming 6th Graders


We want you to join the Loiederman Band! Playing in middle school band develops good discipline, a sense of teamwork, and a lifelong love of music.

Here are some frequently asked questions about being in band...

Do I need to have experience playing a musical instrument to join the band?

NO! While it's certainly helpful to have experience, particularly taking piano lessons, you do NOT need to have played an instrument before.

What instruments can I play in 6th grade band?

You will be able to choose from flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, french horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, or percussion.

How do I make my decision about what instrument I will play?

The band directors will help you try out each instrument. Then we will discuss what instruments you could play with success and what choices interest you.

How do I sign up for band on my schedule?

Request "BAND" on your course card for the LMS counselors, who will set up your schedule for next year. Band is a Fine Arts class, and each student must be enrolled in a Fine Arts class each year.

Are some instruments harder than others?

NO! But different physical features in your face and hands can affect how well YOU could play something. The shape of your lips, the structure of your teeth, and your overall size all can play a part. The band directors will help identify these sorts of characteristics to be sure you play an instrument on which you will have fun AND be successful!

Use the drop down menu above for instrument selection info!