
Fox Chapel's fourth grade has a strong history in presenting an original opera each year. Founded in Creating Original Opera (a program developed by the Metropolitan Opera Company), the Fox Chapel program has evolved into its own special production.

Written, composed, and designed by the students, Opera is an integration of math, reading, writing, science, and social studies. It culminates a year long study and has become symbolic of the fourth grade experience. Students work together weekly create different parts. They are split into groups specializing in various sections of the performance including: performers, composers, costume designers, set designers, writers, and backstage. Led by the teacher directors, the students come together as one.

This project culminates in a tech week at the end of May, with three nighttime practices, followed by 4 performances the following week. Two performances are scheduled in the daytime, where students from Fox Chapel can attend with their teachers, and two performances are scheduled for the evening and open to family and friends.

Previous Opera Performances

2019: Two Halves Make A Whole |2018: Peace is Paramount: A Legendary Opera |2017: Mission Un-impossible: Uncovering the Lost Secrets |2016: Imagination Domination|2015: The Battle Begins |2014: How Do You Spell Betrayal? |2013: SOS Storm of Survival: A Hurricane of an Opera |2012: The Tale of a Dragon's Tail |2011: The Mineral Criminal: Caught Emerald-Handed |2010: Cactastrophe |2009: Immigration is no Vacation |2008: Oops, I Left my Homework in the 4th Dimension |2007: Marine Mission|2006: Once Upon a Genius|2005: A Quest for Color |2004: One, Two, Three, A Jester Comedy |2003: Snipin’ Fears and Wipin’ Tears |2002: A Day of Dismay