General Information: Internships

What is an internship? 

What should students think about before doing an internship?

How many hours must students work at their internship?

*All interns in the Academy of Health Professions will be enrolled in a single period internship (titled "Allied Health Internship.")

**Interns are not expected to go to their internship site when MCPS is officially closed. 

Can students be paid for their internship?

Yes, students can be paid for their internship if they are NOT doing it as part of a completer program (ex. Academy of Health Professions pathway). Students who are doing an internship to fulfill a CTE pathway cannot be paid. 

What documents are required to do an internship?

PRIOR to securing an internship, students should submit an Internship application.

*Interns will be required to submit additional MCPS forms once an internship is secured.