Physical Education & Health

Physical Education

Physical Education classes are taught in every grade level and are designed to provide challenges for students to develop, maintain, and refine motor development. A wide variety of physical activities are provided to meet each individual’s fitness, skill, and interest needs. Students are given opportunities to experience enjoyment and satisfaction through successful participation in individual, small group, and large group physical activities. Students participate in a variety of invasion, net/wall, and hitting/striking games with a focus on teaching sport concepts and skills. In addition, fitness, weight training, and track and field skills are included in all physical education classes.

Health Education

Comprehensive Health Education is taught for a term of nine weeks during Grades 6, 7 and 8. Units of study vary within each grade level:

Health skills emphasized throughout the program include analyzing influences; accessing information; interpersonal communication; decision making; goal-setting; self-management; and advocacy for personal, family and community health. A parent information session regarding the content of the Family Life & Human Sexuality Unit and the Disease Prevention Unit is conducted in the fall for parents. Parents give passive consent from these units unless a signed permission slip is given to the teacher indicating the student opt out for the FLHS/DPC unit(s). Alternative units of study are available for students who do not opt into the Family Life & Human Sexuality Unit and the Disease Prevention Unit.