
Electives Rotation

Electives Rotation (Grade 6) (Quarter long) 

** Course listed as Art1024
The purpose of the Cabin John Middle School Electives Rotation is to open the minds of students to new worlds and cultures and enable them to creatively express themselves and value the perspectives of others. Students actively engage in authentic artistic processes to problem solve and reinforce artistic concepts as involved learners in the arts. (students will be assigned to four 9 week classes which may include: Art, Computer Technology, Fitness for Life, Intro Technology and Engineering, Awareness of Language, and General Music. 
Please note that the rotation selection for each student is computer generated during the school-wide scheduling process, so students do not choose specific electives in the rotation. 

Arts Rotation

Awareness of Language

(Grade 6 Electives Rotation) (Quarter long)

** Course listed as Art1024

Awareness of Language and Culture is dedicated to exploring spoken and non-spoken languages around the world.  Since language is a large component of culture, we examine where languages and written communication originated and evolved and how that affects a country's cultural landscape and traditions. Some of the topics we explore include: Hieroglyphics, Roman Numerals, American Sign Language, Morse Code, Latin, and ultimately World Cultures through the World Expo final assignment.  This project-based class uses a variety of creative and collaboration assignments to give students an awareness of the multilingual and multicultural world around them.  

Computer Science

Computer Applications (Grade 7 and 8) (Semester long)

** Course listed as ITC1002
Computer Applications provides students with active learning experiences related to the productive use of computer-based applications. Students use word processing, spreadsheet presentation, programming, and research skills to complete authentic projects. This course focuses on the selection and use of appropriate technology tools and resources to solve problems and accomplish a variety of tasks.

Foundations of Computer Science A/B (Grade 8) (Year-long)

** Course listed as ITC2083A / ITC2083B   (Add both the A and B course numbers in StudentVUE)

(1 high school credit)

This course provides an engaging introduction to computing concepts through a nationally developed curriculum, offered through a unique partnership with Code.org.  The course focuses on the conceptual ideas of computing so that students understand why tools and languages are used to solve problems through a study of human computer interaction, problem solving, web design, programming, data analysis, and robotics. 

Computer Science.mp4
Computer Science @ CJMS

Creative Writing

Creative Writing (Grade 7 and 8) (Semester long)  

** Course listed as Related Activity NAC2016
This elective is for those who relish all forms of story-telling through words. You must thoroughly enjoy writing and be willing to share that writing and provide feedback to others. Where the writing and peer interactions are taken seriously in the class, the objective is to have fun as you write and share in a safe place where your writing does the talking. Grading is based on the risks you take in your writing, the honest effort you place in your writing to meet the requirements of various writing activities and genres. Where these activities are mandatory for success, there are also opportunities for personal choice. Creative writing requires a sense of daring, so prepare to embrace risk and enjoy your wondrous creations. There are two semester projects that connect language with art as well as the use of interviews to collect stories spoken aloud.

Creative Writing of Electives Presentation

Innovative Tech Solutions

Innovative Tech Solutions 1 (Grade 6) (Year-long)

** Course listed as  ENR1015   *course formally called Contemporary Communications 1

This year-long Innovative Tech Solutions 1 course aims to help students move to the next level of communicating their ideas in our increasingly digital world. Although students may be considered digital natives, all students benefit from direct instruction and practice in research and how to share their ideas with a broad, authentic audience. For example, after learning about PSAs, students will create an audio “podcast-like” PSA on a topic of their own choosing. 

The Innovative Tech Solutions curriculum is developed around a problem-based learning process that enables students to develop their critical and creative thinking skills. Over the course of the year, students will have opportunities to explore topics of personal interest through online research. Students will learn multiple research techniques, how to evaluate sources and information for credibility and validity, and how to use information and media content responsibly. 

After conducting research, students will be introduced to a variety of methods to communicate their ideas on different forums and using a variety of formats. As part of this process, students will learn principles of design that can be implemented in multiple ways. For example, students might create a picture book for 2nd graders or a video newscast for their peers. 

This course will also expose students to new and emerging technologies through news media, podcasts, etc. Students will consider the potential impact and concerns raised by these new technologies. 

This course is standards-based instruction, implementing ISTE and CCSS ELA standards.

*course formally called Contemporary Communications 1

Innovative Tech Solutions 2 (Grade 7/8) (Semester long)

** Course listed as  ENR1015   *course formally called Contemporary Communications 2

This semester-long Innovative Tech Solutions 2 course will expand on the concepts presented in the 6th grade Innovative Tech Solutions 1 course. Students will work more independently on project-based learning related to self-selected topics as they engage in learning modules. However, they will have multiple opportunities for collaborating with classmates. 

The content for this course will include: research skills such as key words, note taking, evaluating sources, and selecting appropriate information; utilizing their research to develop a product that communicates their message effectively to a real-world audience; and exploration of a variety of different digital platforms - written, audio, video, etc. Students will also explore principles of graphic design and how design choices impact messaging and communication. Other skills and concepts will be explored as they arise during the course from student interest. Students will apply what they learn through a variety of projects, such as designing logos, digital posters, digital flipbooks, animated shorts and videos, TED Talk-style presentations, and more. 

Students do not need to have taken the 6th grade course in order to enroll in this follow-on course. There are opportunities to develop the base level learning embedded in the content for students who opt into this course for the first time in 7th or 8th grade. 

*course formally called Contemporary Communications 2

Contemporary Communications 1 (6th) Overview
Contemporary Communications 2 (7th-8th) Overview

Technology Education

Introduction to Technology and Engineering (Grade 6 Electives Rotation)

In Introduction to Technology & Engineering, students discover how and why people invent products and processes. Thinking, imagining, creating, and inventing are skills that students experience to solve problems with creative solutions. Activities involve working individually and in collaborative teams, using a broad range of technological resources, tools and applying science, math, and other subjects to the inventive process.  ** Course listed as ART1024

Technology Systems (Grade 7 and 8) (Semester long)

** Course listed as ENR102`1

In this semester course, students explore applications of technology in the environment and the universe. Students learn ways to improve the environment and the universe using tools, machines, materials, and other technology resources. Multisensory activities emphasize the team and individual approach to problem solving, creativity and ingenuity. Activities include: Science Olympiad projects like the Hovercraft, Tower, Glider and Battery buggy. The students may also design and construct a CO2 Car and the Robotic Arm. Students will learn about: Informed Design, Propulsion, Aerodynamics, Orthographic Projection (full scale drawing), Tool Safety & Usage, Career Possibilities and much more.  

Innovation and Engineering Design  (Grade 7 and 8) (Semester long)

** Course listed as ENR1025

In this semester course, students will complete the SeaPerch Program which provides students with the opportunity to learn about robotics, engineering, science, and mathematics (STEM) while building an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) as part of an engineering technology curriculum. Throughout the project, students will learn engineering concepts, problem-solving, teamwork, and technical applications. Students work in teams to react, enhance, and develop creative solutions to problems in bio-related, fluid, electrical, mechanical, and structural technologies. Safety is emphasized as students use a variety of power and hand tools to complete, test, and present their projects.  

Course Discription: Intro to Tech & Engineering (6th)
Course Discription: Global Tech Systems: (Grades 7 & 8)
Course Discription: Innovation & Engineering Design (7th & 8th)

Television Production

Television Production (Grade 7 and 8) (Semester long) 

** Course listed as AMC1004

This semester course focuses on the communication process. Students will be responsible for learning the various roles for preparing, producing, and airing a news show.  Writing and Reading skills will be key as students develop and deliver a script. The course will also focus on the preparation and production of Pride TV, Daily Power Points and specialty pieces to be played on the televisions in the halls during PRIDE. Students will also be contributing to the production of the 2023-2024 CJMS yearbook as part of the class and will learn about: Digital Photography, Rules of Composition, and Tips for Good Picture Taking & Picture Types. This includes acquiring / taking photographs during the school day.

Course Discription: TV Studio

Visual Arts

Studio Art 2 or 3 (Grade 7 and 8) (Semester long)

** Course listed as ART1025

Students will explore how art can be used to create personal meaning. Students will gain a deeper understanding of how artists generate ideas, develop craft through practice and persistence, and intentionally consider materials to effectively communicate.  Students will use both traditional media (art materials) and techniques as well as contemporary art practices.  Studio Art 2 and 3 will introduce a variety of art making themes and prompts. Either course can be taken twice or out of sequence as projects will vary semester to semester and year to year. 

Ceramics/ Sculpture 3 (Grade 8) (Semester long) 

** Course listed as ART1039

Students will develop a portfolio that demonstrates ability to skillfully manipulate 3-D studio media. This course focuses exclusively on 3-dimensional art making including Ceramic hand-building, and other sculptural media such as paper mâché, cardboard, and found-object.

1. Welcome to Studio Art
Studio Art Class


Yearbook (Grades 7 and 8) (Year long) 

** Course listed as NAC2007

Yearbook is a new year-long elective choice, and is open to 7th & 8th graders.

It is an exciting elective that gives students the opportunity to explore journalism, photography, layout and graphic design and desktop publishing. It is a creative, artistic and collaborative class which results in the production of a book which becomes a treasured possession for our students, and a part of Cabin John Middle School’s history.

Students choose the theme, cover, style and color scheme of the yearbook; take photographs throughout the year; select photos, captions, headlines and text; design pages, learn the principles of layout design; make sure information and details are correct; and publicize, sort and deliver the yearbook in the spring.

Students in the class are expected to show initiative, and be highly motivated, responsible and hard working.

*Priority placement for 8th grade students.

YB_Electives Presentation