Employment Opportunities

Rockville Swim and Fitness Center

Positions Available (See Mrs. Somerville for more information):

    • Lifeguard (All-Year)
    • Slide Attendant (Seasonal),
    • Front Desk Receptionist (As Needed)

JK Moving Services

  • $12/hr
  • Flexible schedules
  • Full-time or part-time
  • Weekend-only options
  • 40-60 hrs/week if desired

Apply Online: www.bit.ly/jk_summer_jobs

Contact: (301) 798 - 4480

TranZed Academy for Working Students (TAWS)

For Juniors (Rising Seniors):

Are you planning to work throughout your senior year? Would you like to have a more flexible schedule so you can better balance your work and school schedule? If so, the new TranZed Academy for Working Students (TAWS) being offered through Montgomery County Public Schools may be a great fit for you! Please visit the website below to learn more and apply. Applications received by April 27th will be given priority consideration. http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/career-readiness/taws/index.aspx