Student Support Programs

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry provides nutritional resources to student families in need. The food provided is collected from donations, community partnerships, and regular pickups from the local food bank. Food provided varies from day-to-day due to varying availability.

Want a food box for your family? Contact Mrs. Taylor to request one! 

Mrs. Taylor, Student Advocate (209) 325-8204

Hygiene Pantry

The Hygiene Supply Pantry provides hygiene items to students in need. Items supplied include soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, hair product, bandaids, tooth brushes and toothpaste and other necessary hygiene items. Items are gathered through school purchase, donations, and community partnerships. Stock varies depending on availability.  Additionally, Feminine hygiene products are available to all students throughout the school day and by student request. 

Need hygiene supplies for you or your family? Contact Mrs. Taylor! 

Mrs. Taylor, Student Advocate (209) 325-8204

Childcare Closet

Student parents are supported in a variety of ways on campus including through access to our childcare supplies. Our childcare supplies include new or gently used baby clothing, toys, diapers, formula, bottles, and other baby items. Student parents and families in need also have access to the child clothing closet that has a variety of new or gently used clothing options for children of all ages and sizes.  Additionally, student parents have access to the Child Toy closet that provides behavioral incentives for children that student parents can offer as rewards for their child's good behavior. Additionally the Toy Closet is utilized during the holiday season or special events like birthdays to provide assistance to families in need of gifts for their younger children. 

Need childcare supplies? Contact Mrs. Taylor! 

Mrs. Taylor, Student Advocate (209) 325-8204

Student Reproductive and Sexual Health 

The Student Advocate distributes condoms and lubricant to encourage reproductive health and safe sexual practices. Each distribution comes with a packet of information on correct usage as well as educational material regarding sexual health and is reviewed with the student by the Advocate. 

If you'd like to learn more about safe sexual and reproductive health practices, please contact the Student Advocate. 

Mrs. Taylor, Student Advocate (209) 325-8204

Clothing Closet

Students and families in need have access to the campus Clothing Closet full of new and gently used clothing compliant with the campus dress code. The Clothing Closet is stocked with seasonally appropriate clothing at all times of year with a variety of sizes to meet the needs of students and their families, generously supplied through donation, community partnerships and purchase through grant funding. Additional limited stock of professional attire is available as well for students seeking employment or attending college interviews.

Need clothing resources? Contact Mrs. Taylor! 

Mrs. Taylor, Student Advocate (209) 325-8204

Campus Laundry Facilities

Students and their families have access to the campus laundry facilities and laundry soap stock to complete meet their hygiene needs. These services are especially essential for our homeless youth and families. Reach out to the school if you would like to arrange to use our facilities!

Mrs. Taylor, Student Advocate (209) 325-8204