Join the campaign!

If you believe government should work for us, fill out the form below to help send Ian to Harrisburg.

Born and raised in Huntingdon County

As a district native & lifelong resident, Ian has lived the struggles of his community and has their best interests at heart.

Ian is proud to be recognized as the candidate for working class Pennsylvanians by the state AFL-CIO and is dedicated to advancing labor interests in office.

Teacher and opportunity advocate

Ian is a second-generation public educator, the son of a veteran and union leader. He believes nobody should be limited in their pursuit of life or liberty because of their zip code or financial situation.

Accountable government that works for you

In this district, we've done more with less while our representatives in Harrisburg listen to corporate interests and vote against our needs. Ian will stand up for the values of hardworking Americans.

Let's make Harrisburg work for us like we work for each other.