
McKinney Education Foundation 

North's MEF College Advisor: Sarah Bengston

Room: B101D - Learning Commons (Library)

T: 469-302-4373 sbengston@mckinneyisd.net 

MEF Scholarship Application Opens Nov. 3 and Closes Dec. 15

MEF Mission Statement: To inspire and assist McKinney ISD students and teachers toward excellence and make a difference in a child’s life through education. We envision a future where a passion for learning unleashes the full potential of our community. McKinney Education Foundation MEF Website

MEF Advisors:

The McKinney Education Foundation Advisors are located on the three main high school campuses to provide McKinney ISD students with information and support to pursue a higher education. MEF Advisors encourage students to dream about and plan for college and guide parents through the process. Over the last seven years, MEF Advisors have helped McKinney graduates find and receive $66 million in scholarship funds!

The MEF Advisors program places higher education advisors in each McKinney high school. These advisors help hundreds of students and parents each year enroll in and find funds for college. These advisors:

RAISE ME: 9th - 12th Scholarship Opportunity - Raise Me is a great opportunity for 9th- 12th grade students to earn scholarship money for college by simply doing well in classes, taking the SAT/ACT, volunteering, taking advanced classes, and many other things. It's a way to earn money by being a great student. There are over 100 colleges that participate in this, with some being in Texas.


Julie Ferraro, McKinney Boyd High School, Room: A-128

T: 469-302-3437 jferraro@mckinneyisd.net 

Brandi Ribble, McKinney High School, Room: F-119

T: 469-302-5811 bribble@mckinneyisd.net

Sarah Bengston, McKinney North High School, Room: B101-D (Library)

T: 469-302-4373