Absence Form

In order to have student musical growth and ensemble performance excellence, attendance of participating music students at all events, rehearsals, and performances is a requirement. In the event of an emergency or top priority conflict, a parent may use this form to apply for a student to be excused from a specific event. Barring strict emergencies, absence requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to any performance. Once an absence from a event is approved, the student will be given a makeup assignment by Mr. Stellmach and the student will be responsible for completing the assignment by its due date. Any student who chooses to voluntarily miss a performance without approval is not eligible to complete a makeup assignment. Any student who does not have a form submitted, who does not apply two weeks prior, who does not attend a performance for which he/she was denied approval, who does not complete the makeup assignment given will have this counted against his/her grade.

Please, parents and students, do your best to attend all performances. If we want the performance of the ensemble to be strong, each student’s participation is necessary.