John McgLashan College

Course Outlines



Welcome to the College Course Outline website.  Follow the links above for more information about the qualifications and courses that we offer.

Note to Parents

The importance of parental input in students subject selection can’t be overstated.  However, this means that parents need to have accurate and up-to-date information to provide relevant guidance.  This site is an attempt to bring a range of online resources together to assist in that process.   

It is our hope that most current Yr 10-12 students, with the appropriate guidance, will be able to indicate their preferred courses for 2025 by the third week of term 4.  While this in no way locks in their choices, it does assist our planning greatly.  Clearly for students going into Yr 12 or 13 there are prerequisite levels that must be achieved before entry to a particular subject is approved.  We hope that the number who need to change their selections will be few.  Selections should be based on realistic expectations of whether these prerequisites are likely to be met.  

Some dates that you need to be aware of:

Note: Career interviews with Year 13 students occur throughout the year in an ongoing way.

The overriding concern in subject choice is an awareness of which future pathways are being kept open and which are being closed off; many of the links on this website will provide clear information in this respect.  We expect little encouragement would be needed for every parent to spend an evening or two with their child, exploring possible future pathways and thus settling on a subject choice to reflect those pathways.

Parents are also welcome at any time to contact the school with questions or concerns.

Further Resources

For more information to help with subject and course choices, click the links below: