Surveying the Present and Shaping the Future

A workshop in Canadian radio astronomy

McGill University

Montreal, Quebec

September 13-14, 2017

A meeting will be held in September on the present and future landscape of Canadian radio astronomy. Here, radio astronomy is defined broadly to span the frequency range from ~50 MHz to ~100 GHz, utilising instruments such as CHIME, the JVLA, ALMA, the various SKA pathfinders and precursors, and more. The meeting will be an opportunity for the entire Canadian astronomy community (including students and postdocs) to present and discuss their frontline research with current radio facilities, the status of planned facilities, and the community’s scientific priorities for the next generation of observatories such as the ngVLA and SKA. There will be a strategy session on the afternoon of the second day, where we will have an initial discussion on possible radio contributions to the next Long Range Plan.

The main workshop programming will take place at McGill University's Thompson House, located at 3650 McTavish. Due to construction in the area, please see our Getting Around page for more information.

Presentations from the workshop will be made online here, as they happen.

We gratefully acknowledge the generous sponsorship of ACURA in making this meeting possible.


Matt Dobbs (McGill, chair)

Vicky Kaspi (McGill)

Tracy Webb (McGill)


Matt Dobbs (McGill)

Bryan Gaensler (Toronto, chair)

Chris O’Dea (Manitoba)

Erik Rosolowsky (Alberta)

Michael Rupen (NRC)

Samar Safi-Harb (Manitoba)

Greg Sivakoff (Alberta)

Kristine Spekkens (RMC)

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