Is Your Child Underachieving?

Underachievement Quiz

Is your child an underachiever?

1. Does your child forget to do homework assignments?

2. Does your child give up easily?

3. Does your child avoid competitive activities unless he/she is almost sure to win?

4. Does your child start working on homework late each night?

5. Does your child watch two or more hours of TV or play two or more hours of video games on school nights?

Score 1 point for each yes response and total the points. Scores are explained below.

Total Points

4-5 Your child has characteristics that indicate a very serious underachievement problem.

2-3 Your child has characteristics that indicate a fairly serious underachievement problem.

1 Your child has characteristics that indicate only minor underachievement problems.

0 Your child has no underachievement characteristics.