EP:5 - Allison Paradise

Allison Paradise joined the show to talk about Adulting Month, Pilgrimmages, NaNoWriMo, Learning Spaces, Adobe Spark, Blogging, Traveling, Dowel Rod Fights, Reindeer Antlers, and More! #CadetArchitects

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  • 0:15 - Intros
  • 1:48 - Something random or unique
  • 3:16 - Information about her English Classes
      • "Making memorable moments."
          • Adulting Month - Things that seniors will need to do as they become adults
              • Mr. Dugan shoutout
          • Pilgrimmages - "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer
  • 5:50 - Allison's "Why" of teaching.
      • How she masks her violent-ness :)
      • How a teacher reached out and help
      • Middle school teachers have a lot of patience.
      • How she found her place
  • 7:41 - "30 Second Timeout"
      • What makes Ms. Paradise so great from some of her former students.
  • 8:26 - Learning Space Discussion
      • How the physical things that she did as a student, helped her remember things better.
      • "I try to make learning a moving experience. "
      • Dowel Rod Fights
      • Cascade High School Gymnasium
          • Their are classrooms around the top of the gym and the hallways lead right to it.
          • For you sports lovers - The "Sweet Meat" in the concession stand is a crowd favorite.
  • 10:27 - Students' thoughts on moving learning spaces
      • Benefits of small groups and how she connects with the quiet students
  • 11:55 - Adobe Spark Discussion
      • Fun, creative, user-friendly, able to be used by teachers and students
      • "Makes very minimal effort look phenomenal."
      • 13:10 - Poetry Project Discussion
          • The process of learning and planning is more important.
          • Sparks segmented nature helps with Paul Harvey Poem
  • 14:27 - NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month
      • Write 50,000 words of a new novel.
      • Student club met after school to write, as well.
  • 16:35 - Ms. Paradise discusses her own NaNoWriMo novel.
      • The inspiration behind her novel.
      • She conducted 30 interviews with others before the novel.
      • Her emotional level after the interviews.
      • You are not alone in your struggles.
  • 19:05 - How she weaves NaNoWriMo into her classroom.
      • Preptober
      • Are you a Pantster or a Planner?
      • How she uses her personal experiences of writing with her students.
  • 20:15 - Blogging
      • Why she blogs about travel.
      • All the places that she has been. Whoa!
  • 22:23 - How does Blogging impact you as a writer and a teacher?
      • Importance of editing and having someone else edit her writing.
      • The embarrassment of having a typo as an English teacher.
      • Emotional Vomiting - The good and the bad.
  • 23:38 - Peer editing
      • Positives and Negatives of peer edits
      • It's essential. No one is perfect. Always need a second eye.
      • Helps with tone, inflection, etc.
      • "It's always good to have an outsider look at what you've written to make sure if makes sense."
  • 25:00 - How do you remember your travels?
      • Obsessive journal-er
      • Power of being able to go back and look at them.
      • Her aunt recommended journaling when she was younger.
  • 26:05 - What's one word of advice for teachers wanting to try something new?
      • Don't be afraid to allow the students to help you learn new things.
      • You don't have to be the master.
      • Embrace the students' knowledge.
      • Teachers are also learning.
      • Everyone must continue to learn.
  • 27:29 - Where can people connect with Ms. Paradise?
  • 27:50 - School trips coming up -
      • One of the Rivieras haha -
      • New York-
      • Scotland-
      • Japan-
  • 28:48 - Discussion of the benefits of going on these traveling school trips.
      • How amazing it is to see students outside of their school personalities.
      • The creepiness of seeing students at the Walmarts :)