Reading List

Beller, Susan

Cadets At War: The True Story of Teenage Heroism at the Battle of New Market

Clare, Cassandra

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1)

Roth, Veronica

Divergent (Divergent #1)

Banks, Lynne Reid

Mystery of the Cupboard

Armstrong, Jennifer

Steal Away

Alexander, Lloyd

The Arkadians

Green, John

The Fault In Our Stars

Riordan, Rick

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1)

Collins, Suzanne

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)

Meyer, Stephanie


Asher, Jay

Thirteen Reasons Why

Hosseini, Khaled

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Hithcock, Bonnie

The Smell Of Other People's Houses

Blake, Kendare

Three Dark Crowns

Bourne, Holly

Am I Normal Yet?

Bergin, Virginia

The Rain

McKinney, L.L.

A Blade So Black

Dr. Seuss

Green Eggs and Ham

Brown, Margaret

Goodnight Moon

Johnson, Crockett

Harold and the Purple Crayon

Boynton, Sandra

Moo, Baa, La La La!

Carle, Eric

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Piper, Watty

The Little Engine That Could

Brett, Jan

The Hat