Mazel Day School ReOpening Roadmap

In consultation with expert guidance, including the NYS Health Department, American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, and our own medical advisors and physicians, we have determined that:

  • As long as the level of viral transmission in NYC is low, as per metrics set by the Governor, we can safely prepare for in-person learning.

  • Being that in-person learning is best for students’ holistic development - including academic learning, socialization, emotional well-being and spiritual growth - every measure possible should be taken to be able to implement a safe reopening.

  • A safe reopening plan should be designed from the vantage point of placing multiple preventative layers in order to mitigate the risk of exposure to illness, for students, teachers and staff.

Therefore, at this time, we are carefully and thoughtfully preparing to begin the 2020-2021 school year in-person for all students.

Please note that this is the current information as of August 27, 2020. As further information and guidance becomes available, we will update this site and inform our community of changes to be aware of.

Town Hall 8.27.20

Early Childhood, Lower and Middle School

Special thanks to the MDS ReOpening Task Force:
Rabbi Avremel Okonov, Executive DirectorChani Okonov, Head of School
EDUCATIONAL and OPERATIONAL LEADERSHIP:Inna Izman, Early Childhood DirectorSonya Finkel-Levy, Lower School PrincipalAvigayil Raskin, Middle School PrincipalGaby Levitis, Director of Student ServicesBatya Engel, Curriculum Coordinator, GSBracha Yanni, Curriculum Coordinator, JSRabbi Naftoli Rotenberg, Director of Operations
MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE:Dr. Boris Khodorkovsky, ChairDr. Alex RozinDr. Ellen ChelnitskyDr. Oksana GenzerDr. Natalie ZelenkoKate Ilyaguyev, Co-chair

Guiding principles

  • Prioritize student, faculty, and staff health and safety.

  • Provide face-to-face learning for all students instead of remote learning whenever it is safe to do so based on rates of COVID-19 spread in the NYC region at the time.

  • Promote practices and policies to reduce the risk of virus transmission by ensuring hygiene and health-related policies that are research-based, clearly communicated, effectively implemented, and diligently enforced.

  • Demonstrate flexibility and fluidity by preparing for various scenarios with the ability to move between different models as needed.

  • Create the best possible and most normalized educational environment for our children, within all safety protocols.

  • Focus on maintaining the sense of connection, community, and spirit of our students. This includes an emphasis on nurturing the emotional well-being of our students, cultivating strong relationships with teachers and peers, and ensuring that each child is supported emotionally and academically.


In order to be able to accommodate in-person learning for all students, there will be a number of restructuring guidelines that will be in place, as measures to prevent transmission of illness. These restrictions are based on mandated NYS guidelines and CDC recommendations, as well as consultation with our own team of medical advisors. Additional policies are being finalized and will be shared as we near September.

With the ever-changing environment we are currently living in, and the unknowns of Covid-19, all policies and procedures are also subject to change, as per updated guidance. Please understand that the expectation will be that all guidelines will be followed diligently and conscientiously, for the safety of all students and staff.

a. Keeping the virus out

    • Strict adherence to the MDS sick policy, with a zero-tolerance policy for sick children and staff

    • Parents and visitors restricted from entering school premises except in the case of emergency

    • Daily screening of students and staff before entering the premises - including:

      • Temperature check

      • Mask check

      • Health screening questionnaire

    • Disclosure of potential or known exposure to COVID-19 by staff and parents

    • Students with COVID-19 symptoms during the school day will wait in an isolated room (with an adult) until picked up

    • Provisions will be made to provide remote instruction to students who may need to be in quarantine at home, or students who are home due to stricter "stay-home-until-well" policies

    • Contact tracing will be kept to monitor exposure

    • Symptomatic children and adults, and those who are pre/asymptomatic but have been placed in quarantine due to exposure to a COVID infected individual or recent travel to COVID hotspots, will not be allowed to enter the premises

    • Field trips will not be held for the time being

    • Facility tours will be suspended

    • A symptomatic individual can return to school, if there is a confirmed alternative diagnosis from a healthcare provider:

      • If fever was the symptom, once there is no fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines, and they have felt well for 24 hours; and the individual has received medical clearance from their healthcare provider, or

      • If they have been diagnosed with another condition; and the individual has received medical clearance from their healthcare provider.

    • An individual who is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test or their symptoms, must self-quarantine and may only return to school when all the following four conditions have been met:

      • It has been at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared; and

      • It has been at least 72 hours since the individual had a fever (without using fever-reducing medication); and

      • The individual has been symptom-free for at least 72 hours; and

      • The individual has received medical clearance from their healthcare provider.

    • If a household member is Covid-19 positive or pending a test -- all household members must quarantine

    • An individual who was in close contact with someone who tested positive must self-quarantine for a period of 14 days as per CDC and DOH guidelines, before returning to school unless medical authorities advise otherwise.

    • Close contacts include:

      • Any person who has been within 6 feet of a person diagnosed with COVID-19, for at least 10 minutes,

      • Immediate family members of the infected person,

      • Students and teachers who are in a cohort with the infected person, and

      • Individuals who ride to and from school in a vehicle / bus with the infected person.

    • COVID sick and quarantine policies may change based on the guidance of the CDC and DOH.

    • Individuals with runny nose, common cold, seasonal allergies, or chronic cough should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. If given clearance, they may attend school.

b. increasing ventilation, sanitization and HYGIENE

    • Increased sanitization of high-contact areas and common areas (ex: bathrooms) throughout the day

    • Daily disinfection of classrooms after each school day

    • Cleaning and sanitizing products/procedures will follow CDC guidance

    • Increased ventilation of indoor spaces

    • Each classroom will have a Medify Air medical grade air purifier

    • Installation of additional hand washing stations where needed, as well as hand sanitizer dispensers

    • Increased frequency of hand washing throughout the day; hand washing and use of sanitizer will be ritualized throughout the day

C. Managing safe interactions by minimizing contact and cross-contamination

    • Students learn in groups of 10-15 students at a time (depending on the grade level)

    • Face masks worn by staff and teachers

    • Masks will be required to enter the building for staff and students (ages 5+) (see the Face Masks section below for more information)

    • Preschoolers nap and eat at a distance

    • Redesign of K-8 classroom spaces so that students are able to be seated at a distance from each other

    • Use of physical barriers where needed (ex: polycarbonate barriers on some desks)

    • Adjustment to schedules to allow for distanced transitions and surface wipe-downs

    • Meal service within classrooms rather than the lunchroom

    • Food served in individual portions (plated in preschool, pre-packaged portions in K-8 - ordered in advance)

    • K-8 specials will take place in classrooms (or the gym), reducing the need for students to travel through school spaces (i.e. designated art or music rooms will be eliminated)

    • K-8 students would keep an individual set of supplies rather than share communal classroom supplies

    • Water fountains have been replaced with bottle fillers in K-8. Students will bring their own water bottles for daily use.

    • Reduce contact in common areas by placing marked floor direction in hallways and stairways, marking outdoor play “zones”, etc.

    • Staggered drop-off and dismissal times to accommodate entry screening, reduce crowding and enable social distancing

    • Limit face-to-face meetings of staff, using Zoom or Google Meets instead

d. Keeping groups in cohorts to avoid widespread exposure

    • Preschool = a class is a cohort; K-8 = a grade is a cohort

    • Schedules and school spaces will be redesigned to ensure that cohorts of students would not come in contact with other cohorts

    • The possibility of offering early drop-off is being evaluated at this time

    • Inter-grade in-person classes, programming or activities would be canceled (ex: clubs, assemblies); these will be replaced with appropriate alternatives

    • Only 1 cohort at a time would play in a common space; if there are students from another cohort in the yard, they will play within designated zones

    • Inter-grade in-person classes, programming or activities will be replaced with appropriate alternatives

e. Communication and training

    • Signage throughout school building with protocols, hygiene, and social distancing reminders

    • Students and staff will receive training in effective mask-wearing, proper hygiene, and handwashing

    • School will begin with a phased start in Grades K-8 so as to enable the training of students in safety procedures

f. preparedness for remote learning

We recognize that at various points of the year, there may be a need to alternate between in-person learning and remote learning, for all students, depending on the status of COVID-19 infections at the time. If there are points in the year, when remote learning is necessary, it would likely be for intermittent, limited periods of time. Therefore, in addition to preparing for in-person learning, we are also preparing for scenarios of remote learning. To do so we will:

    • Implement 1:1 device distribution in grades K-8

    • Upgrade remote learning model based on Spring 2020 experience

    • Enhance progressive educational model with the use of technology for increased differentiation, learning management, assessment and more

    • Provide teacher training in effective instructional practices for remote learning

    • Designate school-wide LMS (learning management systems) for K-8 students to use when submitting assignments throughout the school year

While learning in-person, we also recognize that there will be a need to provide remote learning and instruction to students who are home due to mandated quarantine (ex: if a parent tests positive for COVID-19), or students who have immunocompromised medical conditions, and other personal circumstances that would require at-home learning. We will be outfitting classrooms to enable students at home to join lessons during the school day.

living our values

We recognize that there will be many changes next year in order to ensure a safe return to in-person learning. However, what will remain constant is what makes Mazel, “Mazel”. We are committed to preserving the integrity of our school mission, vision and values. As a second home for children, a place of warmth and connection, engaging and joyous learning experiences, a Jewish community experience - Mazel will provide an anchor of support for our students no matter what comes our way.

We are confident that the opportunity for us to be creative and innovative in our teaching and relationship building will uplift and inspire us. Together we are making history; redefining what schooling can look like, while also carrying on the honored tradition of educators who have taught children for generations, with love, passion and intention.

Maskwearing guidelines and protocols



  • 2 year old children should not wear masks.

Nursery and PreK

  • Nursery and PreK children may wear a mask to school if they are able to, at parents request.

Kindergarten and First Grade

  • It is strongly recommended that all students in kindergarten and first grade wear masks as much as possible throughout the day, to the best of their ability.

  • Students must wear masks in the following scenarios:

      • Upon entry to school

      • When in common areas (ex: hallways, staircases, bathrooms, handwashing stations, elevator)

      • During davening, when talking, singing or during indoor recess

      • During transition times in classrooms where distance can be compromised

      • When in a learning center with other classmates or during small group work/teacher time.

      • When riding the bus.

      • Any area/situation in which at least a 6’ distance cannot be maintained

      • Gym class with no strenuous activity

  • Parents are encouraged to coach their young ones regarding mask wearing.

  • Masks can be removed at the following times:

      • During mealtime (breakfast, lunch, snack)

      • When taking a drink

      • During gym when 12’ doing strenuous activity and OUTDOOR recess when proper distancing is ensured

      • During designated mask breaks (i.e. when children are seated at a 6' distance)

Grades 2-8

  • All children in grades 2-8 must wear face coverings that cover the mouth and nose at all times except during the times listed below. Mask breaks will be embedded into the daily schedule.

  • Masks can be removed when at a 6 feet distance from others:

  • During mealtime (breakfast, lunch, snack)

  • When taking a drink

  • During gym when 12’ doing strenuous activity and OUTDOOR recess when proper distancing is ensured

  • During designated mask breaks (ex: silent reading or writing time) which will be embedded throughout the day

Mask Recommendations:

  • Cloth masks should be double-layered

  • Child-sized surgical masks are acceptable

  • Masks should NOT have valves or vents

  • Masks should fit well (not fall off easily, cover mouth and nose, not be loose)

Feel free to order a mask from Land's End (our uniform vendor) with an optional logo or buy one in any store you would like. It is important that the mask is comfortable for your child and fits well. Children should have at least 2-3 masks with them a day, in case they are lost or soiled.


During mask breaks, masks should be kept:

  • On a short lanyard

  • In a brown paper bag (using a new one each day)

  • In a sealed Ziploc bag (using a new one each day)

  • In a pouch or fanny pack (which should be cleaned daily)

how you can prepare / help

Face masks (K-8)

Experiment with a variety of masks to find a mask(s) that your child finds comfortable wearing and that fits well. Practice wearing it for periods of time. While there will be “mask breaks” throughout the day, there will be times when students will be required to wear one (ex: when social distancing cannot be maintained), as per NYS Dept of Health Guidelines.

Mask Recommendations:

  • Cloth masks should be double-layered

  • Child-sized surgical masks are acceptable

  • Masks should NOT have valves or vents

  • Masks should fit well (not fall off easily, cover mouth and nose, not be loose)

Masks from Land’s End School Uniforms are available: Item #521353BP7 or Item #521354BP1

be responsible

Our ability to have school open for face to face instruction for as long as possible throughout the school year will depend greatly on the actions of our entire community—colleagues, students and parents alike. We all have a personal responsibility to do our part to try to stay healthy and help others stay healthy. If we all commit to do what is required, at home and at school, it will greatly increase the likelihood that our students can spend more time at school as opposed to distance learning. We are in this together as one Mazel family!

We therefore ask that all parents and staff agree to this Communal Responsibility Contract.


For families traveling out of the country or to high-risk states during the summer, we require that you quarantine starting on August 25 for two weeks prior to the start of school on September 8. For a list of states that meet the criteria for required quarantine due to significant community transmission, visit

For the health and safety of our school community, please plan your summer travel accordingly.