Art Class INFO

What is Art Class like in Middle School?

Art is for everyone in our school. We will learn about Art through understanding the many artists and art styles. Students will learn how to compare past and contemporary artwork as inspiration for their own artwork. All artwork will be created "hands on" through the art process.  All ideas will be planned and turned into artwork through using a variety of art materials and techniques. We will also focus on design skills by learning about typography, digital art skills, fashion, and illustration. 

Students follow a "Art Choice Based Program", which allows them to experiment with different ideas and materials. A theme will be provided as inspiration and students will learn to make artist decisions through the entire planning and art making process. 


Grade 4 and 5: Pass, Outstanding, Needs Improvement, Fail (No number grades are given) 

Grade 6, 7, and 8: Number Grades (per completed artwork) 

Grading Criteria: Based on our NEW STATE STANDARDS as of 2023 (20 points in each area for rubric)