For Parents

Are you concerned about your child's mental health? The Department of Mental Health has launched, a new family-friendly website for parents and guardians of school-aged children who are concerned about their child’s mental health. provides families with tips, tools, and resources designed to help them navigate their child’s mental health journey with confidence.

Does your child feel and act their best with plenty of exercise and movement? Here are 6 simple games that help teach your child self regulation.

A great family resource for daily support groups: Free daily support groups for families during COVID-19.

Is your child feeling anxious or worried? Read this helpful article on 3 easy ways to help kids relieve stress.

Does your child have difficulty self-regulating? Try Setting Up a Calm Corner at Home. This strategy can help children manage big feelings.

Parents, could you use a strategy to slow down, unwind and relax? This brief mindful self compassion meditation will allow for some self care. As parents, we spend a lot of time and energy on our children, often at the expense of taking care of ourselves. When we allow ourselves to recharge, we fuel ourselves in such a way that allows us to give to others without being depleted. If meditation is new to you, remember, like anything else, it takes paractice ... give it a try!

According to one source, these are currently the six best mindfulness apps which make taking care of your mental health simple. These can be used by children and adults alike, to start your day off right, to calm down as needed or to facilitate a good night's sleep for those who have trouble unwinding at bedtime.