Favorite Videos

Remember to consider, as he is trying to get his cookies down, if Ormie is a flexible thinker (keeps trying new plans) or a stuck thinker (keeps trying the same plan). Can you be a flexible thinker today?

When you feel like giving up on something because it's too hard, remember to have a growth mindset and believe in the POWER OF YET!!

Favorite Mindfulness Videos:

Calming Exercises for Kids: Breathing and Stretching

Follow along with Bear Breath on Go Noodle

Try one minute of triangle breathing

Try mindfulness and yoga with Cosmic Kids Yoga

Sign up for good energy at home with Go Noodle

Watch, listen and relax to Breathing at Sea Otter Cove from Stress Free Kids

Practice your five finger breathing, star breathing and square breathing using these videos as a guide

Watch, listen and relax to this Go Noodle video to help you rest well at night

Explore the sounds, sights and movements of calm on this amazing virtual calm room website

Let your worry slip away and clear your mind with this one minute meditation

Take a break and do a 5 minute classroom meditation with my favorite You Tube yoga teacher Adriene to unwind and reset

Get grounded with a 10 minute yoga practice with Adriene

Who knew our School Psychologist, Ms. Hutchinson, knew how to sing and play the ukulele?! Listen to her wise words to help you get centered when you're feeling overwhelmed. Just focus on "One Thing At A Time".