Privacy Policy

Your Personal Data

The only information that Matt's Maker Space Lesson Library stores is an email address for each user and any information submitted within the lesson plan creation form. Your email address is used for authentication and is only visible to Lesson Library facilitators and administrators, and the lesson plans you create are visible to instructors, facilitators, and administrators.

Google Account Permissions

When using Matt's Maker Space Lesson Library you will need to grant the web application some Google permissions. Here are the permissions that we require, and what they mean:

View and manage spreadsheets that this application has been installed in

This allows our web application to view and modify the underlying spreadsheet that stores lesson plans. This does not allow our web application to view or modify any of your personal spreadsheets stored in your Google Drive.

View and manage forms that this application has been installed in

This allows our web application to generate edit links for lesson plans that have already been created using the lesson plan creation form. It only applies to the lesson plan creation form and does not give our web application access to any other Google Forms.

View and manage forms in Google Drive

This allows our application to automatically process your form responses. This permission does grant our application access to any forms within your Google Drive, however we do not use this permission to search, view, modify, share, or interact with any forms other than the lesson plan creation form in any way.

Your Options

If you are uncomfortable with any of the above we would still like to make Matt's Maker Space Lesson Library available to you. Please contact an administrator and we may be able to provide you will a Matt's Maker Space email address that you can use for logging into this website and creating lesson plans. This way you will not have to grant our web application access to any account other than the one given to you, and nobody will seen an email address other than the one given to you.