Smile ear-to-ear through all hardships, it helps ...

Hold on to dear life ...

Sunsets  ... ...

Lake Ontario

Chitrakoot, MP, India

Patalkot valley, MP, India

Hamilton Bayfront, Canada

Ile Maurice


My other non-funded projects, welcome to join ...

Princess point, Hamilton

Nainital & MP, India

Potter's Village, MP

Clifftop, Silent Lake, Canada

Indian Ocean, Island of Mauritius

Algonquin Park, Canada

Neil island, A&N, India

Did you know ?

Is this a snowflake or just a collection of triangles ?

Gif courtesy - Wikipedia

Gif courtesy - Wikipedia

Did you know that the stripes of a zebra have a size and spacing that is encoded by the constant: Pi! The same goes for the spots of a leopard.  

Ever wondered if there's any Maths behind 3D movies, which you like so much? TENSORS , which have been around for centuries and popular for the last 100 years now. Recent applications are tensorflows and TPUs (Tensor Processing Unit) ( CPU < GPU < TPU)