Hello, I'm Dr. Sayantee, Assistant Professor at IIT Hyderabad.

Full-time academic - Professor and Researcher

Avid traveler, hiker, fitness enthusiast, Kathak dancer, orator

I am a Statistics Professor with a diverse experience of teaching doctors, engineers, lawyers, government officers, corporate executives, MBA and undergraduate students across 3 different countries. I work on a few different fields of statistics and Machine learning and collaborate with industry and academia abroad, on research and consultancy projects. My research areas include but is not limited to Machine Learning Models and Data mining for big data from finance and healthcare industry, spatio-temporal modelling and maps, modelling of skewed and volatile data for financial data, and adaptive designs (skewed randomization) for clinical trials in the pharmaceutical industry. I did my PhD in Mathematical Statistics from McMaster University in 2017 and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto till 2018 working on data mining for big data. I have supervised more than 15 UG & PG students in both academic and industry projects. I have also supervised around 10 engineers from industry in AI/ML projects.

I received the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Scholarship and Fields Research Fellowship to visit the University of Toronto. I was also the IBS Young Ambassador to the World Statistics Congress in 2019 and the Florence Nightingale Award Winner in 2020. I have served on the Social Program Committee and Awards Committee for the International Biometrics Conference 2022. I serve as the Chair of the Country-Representatives Committee for the Caucus for Women in Statistics and its Governing Council member. I have been on panels and organizing committees of international conferences and is an Associate Editor of Statistica Neerlandica, a peer-reviewed journal by the Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research. I am open to research and industry consultancies and collaborations. Students/ academicians/ corporate professionals: please feel free to drop me an email at sayantee.jana@math.iith.ac.in 

Research Interests

Google scholar link:  https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=NLp2GgMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sayantee-jana/

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sayantee-Jana

 Funded Projects:

Featured on the bulletin board of Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Canada

Award ceremony at the IBC (International Biometrics Society) 2020 (virtual)

Invited talk on 'Female Statisticians in History' at 'Around the World Conference' 2021

All Panelists at IISA conference at the J.N. Tata Auditorium, IISc 2022

Advanced Data Analysis with R, at IIM Nagpur

The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences


Contact me for:

Get in touch at sayantee.jana@math.iith.ac.in

  "Life is full of uncertainties. Regardless of how much you plan, you never know how your world will turn upside down the next moment. Joy, sorrow, serendipity - nothing is forever. "