World History
Grade 6
The 4 major themes of World History for 6th grade are: Pre-Historic Times, Ancient Times, Medieval Times, & Early Modern Times
Course will include research and writing of thesis statements
Inquiry: students will investigate further into topics of their interest
Map Skills: students will learn how to:
Recognize that maps, globes and models represent real places, particular information, and particular events
Compare and contrast land and water on a physical map and globe.
Locate the seven continents and the four oceans on a political map and globe
Locate the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, and Eastern Hemisphere on a globe
Locate the USA and Vermont on a map or globe
Identify cardinal directions
Identify longitudinal lines and latitudinal lines on a globe
Use longitude and latitude degrees to find locations on globes and maps
Recognize and use map symbols and distance scale
Trace routes on maps of differing scale and compare locations of resources and trade routes
Construct maps with legends
Compare and contrast information learned from physical maps and migration maps
Use a compass correctly
Continent Study
Students will practice identifying countries, and drawing continent maps
Students will study place, people, and traditions.
Students will also integrate the Arts into this work.
Current Events: Students will read curated news articles from journals written for middle school students; they will write a response about the information learned and indicated if bias was present.