MassArt’s Center for Art and Community Partnerships (CACP) partners with people and communities within and beyond MassArt to radically expand access to transformative creative experiences.


CACP was founded on the belief that active involvement in our communities and in society is elemental to citizenship.

At MassArt art, design and art education have dynamic, transformative roles to play in building community. These values are driven by the public nature of the college, its stated mission, its diverse population, and its location.

Since 2004, the Center for Art and Community Partnerships has embarked on building relationships through projects, programs, and partnerships that engage people of all ages; build community through collaboration; make connections between the human and material resources of MassArt and the greater community; support community goals and initiatives; and provide ways for students, faculty, staff, and alumni to be involved in the dynamism of the greater community.


Email: cacpinfo@massart.edu

Phone: (617) 879-7330