Scholarship Search Engines

There are many free scholarship search sites available. Take some time to investigate each of these:


Free resource where you'll find thousands of scholarships.

Going Merry

Free resource to explore a database of scholarships, awards, and grants.

Free resource to explore scholarships and colleges.


Free site to explore scholarship and financial aid opportunities.


Exploration database site for scholarships, awards, and grants.

College Board Big Future The College Board's scholarship search resource, offering 2,300 sources of financial aid and over $3 billion in scholarship awards.


 Free online database of private scholarships in the United States.

Sallie Mae

 Free site to explore scholarship and financial aid opportunities.

Scholarships 4 Students Helping students make informed decisions about Financial Aid.

Super College

 This site is an online database of scholarships, grants, and fun contests for possible monetary awards.

Scholarship Guidance

 Free scholarship search site.

Imagine America

 Free scholarship search site for students interested in attending a Career College.

Colleges of Distinction Mega list of nationwide scholarships available to seniors. Free scholarships with Sep 30, 2021 and Nov 15, 2021 deadlines.