Navigating Educational Technology

Every student is provided a school issued Chromebook and charger. This section will cover the basics of how to log in to the device, how to operate the device, and how to navigate the apps.

Google Classroom is the digital workspace teachers may use to post upcoming assignments, materials (handout's, worksheets, etc.), activities, and recorded lessons.  Students will use Google Classroom based on grade level and teacher requirements.   This section covers some Google Classroom basics. 

Students will access school related educational apps through Meteor LaunchPad.  This includes but is not limited to Google Classroom, i-Ready, IXL, Big Ideas Math, Focus Portal, etc.  In addition teachers can add apps for students in the My Classes Backpack which can be found in the lower portion of the LaunchPad. 

LaunchPad automatically opens when students log into their Chromebooks.  It can also be accessed directly from the homepage. 

Students in grades 4-12 have the ability to use school email.  

Grades K-8 use the Big Ideas Math series for math instruction. Learn how to use the online components of the Big Ideas Math platform here.